Next Race: (Deanne)

November, 2009

Ironman Florida

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2009 Update

So far 2009 has brought quite a bit of thought for my future with this sport. After returning from Clearwater in November, I sought out a Sports Medicine Doctor in hopes of finding out what damage has been done to my legs. Immediately he sent me for bone scans resulting in some terrible but manageable news. I had stress fractures in both feet. On top of the stress fractures, I had Plantar Faciitis in both feet and Shin Splints in both legs. Wow. I should have probably stopped training back in March of last year when the pain intially set in. It's amazing....the saying is true. Hind site is 20/20.
I have been seeing a physiotherapist twice a week now for almost 2 months. The pain is going away, though not nearly as fast as I had hoped. I attempted a 30 minute run a couple of weeks ago but the pain returned. I now have made the decision to withdraw from the Grimsby Half and the Around the Bay races, and focus on returning to running slowly. I am running 20 minutes 3 times a week now and plan on continuing that for the entire month of February.
My physiotherapist feels that running is probably just not my sport. I understand that I am most likely not genetically geared to be a runner, but that is not going to stop my dream. I will, I am going to finish that Ironman.

I will post again soon with an update of my progress. Until that time, I guess it is onto the bike.



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